Bone Broths 1 Litre
Bone broth is a super meaty jelly liquid, that has great properties.
Super high in amino acids e.g. glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen etc known to aid with joint health, and ease the pain caused by joint related problems.
Bone broth is a great addition to your pets diet and has a vast amount of benefits.
It has been know to aid in digestion by decreasing inflammation in the gut and improve the tissues lining the gut.
Did you know: You cannot over feed bone broth.
Helps with fussy eaters
Perfect for when your dog has been unwell and needs to go without food, provides all the nutrients & minerals they need to get by and make them feel better, helps to sooth the gut and give it time to rest.
100% human grade.
chosen protein, filtered water, fresh vegetables, herbs, apple cider vinegar turmeric golden paste (with the mother)